Nine matches, nine wins, 22 goals for, 1 against... in our last outing as U8s, there was no doubt which club stole the show at the Summertown tournament. Congratulations to all the boys who played their part in a memorable morning's entertainment. Considering we haven't played together for a while, the coaches felt we dazzled our opponents with skill, pace, precision passing, solid tackling and brilliant finishing. Will and Adam got 6 goals including a pile driver free-kick from Adam and a dribbling masterpiece from Will. Fyn got 5 and his leaping header was arguably the goal of the day. Rory and Ben grabbed a couple and James chipped in with a poacher's special. But you can't score goals without your teammates and we saw some outstanding midfield work by Joe, James S, Henry S and some heroic defending by Toby. Our goalies too, played their part with Henry M and Ed making superb saves. Ed was also used as a blitz attacker which seemed to frighten the life out of the opposition.
Well done everyone, we're very proud of you and you were right when you said the Cumnor v Cumnor game was the toughest game of the day. Have a great summer and we'll see you next season as we begin our quest for silverware.